(dup) 2018 Mastermind Membership Cohort 4 Dashboard

Cohort 4: Mastermind Dashboard

Think of the dashboard as your home base as well as “library” for all digital files related to the Mastermind experience. The dashboard will also house session audio files and notes. The dashboard is not interactive, therefore, if you have questions, want to share a resource, or are looking for “tribe” support, please use our FaceBook group.

Click here to edit your profile for this site.

Archived Files

  • Digital version of your Mastermind Guidebook [pdf]
  • Members Only eBook [pdf]
  • Mastermind pledge [pdf]
  • Optional Hot Seat Note Taking From [pdf]
  • Session 6 Scaffolding Success Activity [pdf]

Session Notes, ZOOM Audio Recordings, and Action Steps

Session Resources

Session 1 

Resources/Topics shared during Session 1
Action Steps from Session 1

  • Tammy – Read through information on how to ask honest open-questions to better understand them and reflect (when driving and/or when journaling)
  • Allison – Journal, meditate, and/or walk to come up with Hot Seat issue/questions. Explore the WOOP app
  • June – Re-read the WOOP chapter and put app on phone; Reflect on all the parts of the mastermind
  • Hattie – Go back through notes and highlight what stands out; Begin setting professional and/or personal policies
  • Melissa – Use “up until now” at least once; check out the WOOP app; highlight questions from the samples of honest open questions that are comfortable

Session 2 
Audio file from Session 2 [click to listen]
Hot Seat Notes from Session 2

Action Steps from Session 2

  • Hattie: Continue with policy to not check work email while in a conversation with husband; create a 2nd policy; Reflect upon the question, “What do I avoid?”; Read through WOOP chapter; Narrow topic for hot seat.
  • Allison: Reflect on the hot seat notes; Sit down and come up with first step goals for fostering stronger relationships.
  • Melissa: Try out the WOOP app; Look over notes and reflection to make decision.
  • Tammy: Continue to reflect (daily if possible); Use reflection to prepare for hot seat.

Session 3 
Hot Seat Notes from Session 3

  • Hattie [pdf]
  • Tammy [pdf]
    • Empathy interview [pdf]
    • Strengths Finder [link]
    • Superpowers Self-Assessment [link]
  • June [pdf]
    • Infographic on reading success [link]
    • Importance of soft skills [pdf]

Action Steps from Session 3

  • Allison: Build a toolkit about ??; Read The Courage Way.
  • Melissa: Reflect and schedule time to make sure reflection continues as schedule shifts and changes. Share resources with Mastermind group from Inclusion conference, particularly around team building. Read The Courage Way.
  • Hattie: Look at current to do list for the new program and modify by priorities. Code things in particular, as they relate to themes that emerged in hot seat (e.g., value with regards to relationships and connections).
  • Tammy: Continue with daily journal with reflection prompts regarding essence attributes.
  • June: Continue with WOOP app; have meeting with principles; and INSERT

Resources mentioned/shared from Session 3

  • The Courage Way [link]


Session 4
Hot Seat Notes and Resources Session 4 (audio recording)

  • Allison [WORD]
    • Yes Brain [pdf]
    • Blog on effective staff meetings [link]
    • PD that gets to a change in practice [link]
    • Appreciative inquiry resources (replacements for needs assessments)
      • Assets and Opportunities Matrix [pdf]
      • Assets and Opportunities Practice Point (old version) [pdf]
  • Melissa [WORD]
    • Empathy interview for team building [pdf]
    • Brene Brown's take on trust [page 1 and 2]
    • “Relational trust” (see courage way text)
    • Todd Henry – might enjoy some of his email on leadership [link]

Action Steps Session 4

  • Hattie: Answer the questions about what to stop doing, continue doing, and start doing; share resources in FB; ask questions in FB
  • Tammy: Start reading the Courage Way; star looking into writing a professional policy
  • June: Answer the questions about what to stop doing, continue doing, and start doing; Read the Courage Way, integrate RP modules into SDI training
  • Allison: Look over notes and listen back (sorry I didn't get your full session recorded): come up with a PD blueprint/map and some open-ended questions for the staff
  • Melissa: Sit with how you're feeling before taking action or letting the left brain kick in
    • For what it is worth…from Wherever You Go There You Are by Jon Kabat-Zinn, “Stopping, sitting down, and becoming aware of your breathing once in a while throughout the day. I can be for five minutes, or even five seconds. Let go into full acceptance of the present moment, including how you are feeling and what you perceive to be happening. For these moments, don't try to change anything at all, just breathe and let go. Breathe and let be. Die to having to have anything be different in this moment; in your mind and in your heart, give yourself permission to allow this moment to be exactly as it is, and allow yourself to be exactly as you are. Then, when you're ready, move in the direction your heart tells you to go, mindfully and with resolution.”

Other Resources from Session 4

  • DEC Recommended Practice Modules [link]

Session 5
Hot Seat Notes and Resources for Session 5 [audio recording]

  • Tammy
    • Built off last time – still struggling with one person; Feeling that part of the safety net is missing; Seeking to understand another's perspective 

      When asked what is scariest thing about having a conversation with the person – the underlying fear was there wouldn't be a change. If, however the conversation went well, that would be a step in a right direction.

      Ideal outcome would be mutual agreement on the things to work on and a stronger relationship.

      When asked what 3 things would be discussed in the conversation:

      1) What you are seeing and hearing – what she is seeing hearing (what she perceives)

      2) Find a common understanding or way forward

      3) ??? My notes don't have a 3rd thing

      If you invited her to the ball, what would it say?

      You had insight around this directly after our 5th session. Now that some time has passed, how would you answer that question? If you'd had more interactions with her, make a T chart. On one side the heading is “good or neutral” interaction. On the second side is “bad or difficult” interaction. Under each heading list and try to identify 3 features/variables/reasons the interaction was good vs. bad. What patterns or themes emerge?

  • Hattie
    • Topic: Time and space to make time for “just being”. Issue centered on working with colleagues who lack significant EQ – colleagues who are likely resistant, feel a sense of entitlement, and from your perspective contribute very little. You have a desire for things to move forward and feel a sense of urgency and don't want to waste the time you have or give.

      As you engage in perspective taking – where it the step or comfort place where you can better understand their need to be recognized and respected, without quickly experiencing that sense that they may not deserve to be recognized or respected?

      How can you help others gain EQ skills? I think to some degree this is part of your challenge. We can't wait for change, we have to be a catalyst. And if we know people can't always raise their EQ on their own, what can you do to scaffold and support?

      Continue to reflect on the attributes you value and what you don't value. This will help you understand what you are seeking and what is triggering your reactions. Once you have awareness, the question will become…so what do you do with this information?

      How/When/Why would you see yourself as a coach…so as a leader, what would your interactions look like if you put yourself in a coaching stance? How can the teachings under appreciative inquiry help you move the program forward? How can your own self-care be seen as necessary vs. a luxury?

      I also invite you to be clear in you heart and mind what you want from each person as an individual vs. as a group of difficult colleagues. Each person may require a different approach to help them move forward.

  • June
    • Topic/Issue: Professional development for paraprofessionals.

      This is a challenging topic because there are so many implicit and explicit biases as play. Take for example the title, “para”…what does this convey about their worth? There are also systems level things working against us (e.g., low pay, putting those who are struggling in other grades in Pre-K, etc.).

      What can you do to convey that they matter and a sense that everyone, including children are respected in the classroom.

      As you take on the issue – keep in mind where relationships may need to be established and/repaired, and how the culture needs altered so they aren't marginalized and that their voice and ideas count as much as others. It's hard to be in a powerless position and to willingly accept that one has to change or could improve.

      Also focus in on 1-2 practices that you want to see changed…keeping in mind that for many the change isn't a choice…so there will be a lack of motivation. We also have to think about how they are as individuals and what they are most interested in focusing on. Where is there room for shared decision-making?

      If you asked them, “How would you feel more supported?' Or “What would you like in order to be more effective in your job”…what responses might you receive?

      Continue to reflect and gain clarity on your “agenda” (hopes and dreams), and then invite the teachers and the paras to also become clear on their respective agendas. 

Action Steps Session 5

  • Allison: Dig deeper into adult learner PD resources; think about the theme for this coming year's PD; send out something to staff to get their insight.
  • Melissa: Review shared resources; Reflect on past action plans and make some action steps for the transition to new position; Finish the Courage Way
  • Tammy: Finish Courage Way; Write a team building action plan; Reflect on how to get to “luke warm”; Continue with daily reflection time.
  • Hattie: Start The Courage Way; Have a comment for each person upon their return in the fall; Listen to Inclusion podcast; Develop survey on perspectives around inclusion.
  • June: Continue with professional development and have lots of things for the paras; Review research on inclusion; Check into the Courage Way; Look into Appreciative Inquiry.

General Resources – Session 5

  • Boyatzis webinar about PEA and how to coach with compassion [link]

Appreciative Inquiry Resources

  • This book is a quick read and a good overview of AI and how the process works and why it works.  AI is story-based, so that is also why it is such a unique way to draw out strengths. This book is a great start.  https://www.amazon.com/Appreciative-Inquiry-Positive-Revolution-Change/dp/1576753565
  • Also, check out Dr David Cooperrider's website.  http://www.davidcooperrider.com/  There are resources and links to videos. 
  • One easy way to start incorporating Appreciative Inquiry–start the day with a positive question. Here is a case study paper from a colleague of mine. As she says, AI is “such a simple way to incorporate appreciative inquiry into daily life.”  Start the day by asking, “What went well last night?”  Or any other positive question–so you start out in the positive ratio. “What was your favorite part of the day?  Tell me more about it.  What else . . . etc.”  
  • Traditional Needs Assessments–replace with the Reflected Best Self Exercise as one potential.  Rather than using the full EI competency inventory assessment, you can use a Best Self Exercise as a way to do an assessment that highlights your strengths.  It is story-based and distributed to significant people in your life.  http://positiveorgs.bus.umich.edu/cpo-tools/rbse/. It is partnered with a free VIA strengths survey.  https://www.viacharacter.org/survey/account/register
  • She also shared an essay in response to my Best Self Exercise. She thought it may give you a feel for how you might respond. This essay was written about 5 years ago when she did the Best Self Exercise.


Session 6 [audio recording]
Action Steps Session 6

  • Tammy: At least 3 self-cares a week; stick to pledge
  • June: Continue work with teachers to build community
  • Melissa: Taking action on pledge (self-care tasks)
  • Allison: Work with IT person to come up with a format for an interactive and supportive space; year long plan for supporting one another and sharing stories
  • Hattie: Review and combine notes from Mastermind; pull out quotes and visuals and post in office

From Hattie

1) Powerpoint – Lightening Round Suggestions/Resources

2) Audio file of except from Beyond Behavior Management

3) Hattie's Talk Time and Pledge graphics WORD document

4) Powtoon Video