Ongoing Professional Development with Dr. Julie Causton and Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak
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Back to School Kickoff Resources (click here to open)
Superpowers Quiz Key Handout [pdf]
- Superpower Directions
- Superpowers At-A-Glance
- Request Full Report
- Online version [link]
Definition of Inclusion Handout [pdf]
Inclusion Quotient Handout [pdf]
Research on inclusion [link]
Winnie the Pooh video and PPT (see description section of the video)
The 4 S’s
- Attachment Science and the 4 S's (8:25) [audio]
- Attachment Science and the 4 S's long version (53:06) [video]
- Harnessing the Power of Showing Up [podcast]
- How to Apply the Four S's to Autism for Secure Attachments [podcast]
- The 4 S's Infographics for serving children [pdf]
December 14th Gathering Resources (click here to open)
February 26th Gathering Resources (click here to open)
Google Drive DOC
Building Bridges: Strategies to Help Paraprofessionals Promote Peer Interaction [pdf]
How to talk about disability
- https://www.mrsdscorner.com/60disabilitybooksforkids
- https://www.thinkinclusive.us/10-childrens-books-with-disabled-characters/
- https://www.rebekahgienapp.com/disability
November 6, 2020 On-Demand Tiny Trainings
Video #1: Strategies and Ideas for Supporting Active Participation in School for a Student without Reliable Speech
Helping Collette actively participate in her general education classes will transform her day. Here we talk through how to use her strengths to leverage her participation. Watch this video and create a strengths and strategies profile just for Collette. We can then use this profile when designing lessons for the whole class with Collette in mind.
Download Strategies and Strengths Profile [pdf]
Video #2: Understanding Communication Challenges for a Students without Reliable Speech
When we work with a student without reliable speech it is helpful to understand some of the challenges these individuals face. Here we explore echolalia and movement differences. Without understanding these concepts educators often think it is a lack of intelligence, not a movement difference in the way.
Watch “Autism is a Word” [video]
Video #3: Communication Strategies for a Student without Reliable Speech
Video #4: Curricular Adaptation Decision Making Model
It is often difficult to determine how to make decisions about how to include Collette. These questions can help the team understand how to think this process through.
Download these Differentiation Strategies [pdf]
Video #5: 15 Minute Problem Solving Session
When challenges arise, this problem solving process can be used quickly to help all team members put their heads together to solve the challenge. Don’t forget to use a timer to keep you all on track. Take a challenge that you are facing today – and use this strategy to come to a solution.
Download these Problem Solving Handout [pdf]
Video #6: How to Embed IEP Goals Into General Education
All of Collette’s goals can easily be met in the general education classroom. This matrix helps the team determine which goal is being taught, and assessed during which subject of the day. Take the 2nd grade schedule and see how many of these goals can be met right in the context of the day.
Download a Program Planning Matrix [pdf]
Video #7: 4 Pack of Tiny Trainings
In about 40 minutes Dr. Julie Causton and Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak share customized and practical solutions to four hot topics:
- How to widen Collette's window of tolerance (aka the green zone)
- How to create more access points and ensure the general curriculum is accessible (aka Zig Zag process)
- How to embed instruction related to IEP goals within the general curriculum
- How to engage in authentic assessment practices with students with more support needs
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