Cohort 1: Mastermind Dashboard
Think of the dashboard as your home base as well as “library” for all digital files related to the Mastermind experience. The dashboard also houses session audio files and notes. The dashboard is not interactive, therefore, if you have questions, want to share a resource, or are looking for “tribe” support, please use our FaceBook group.
Click here to edit your profile for this site.
Archived Files
- Digital version of your Mastermind Guidebook [pdf] hard copy was mailed
- Mastermind pledge [pdf]
- Members Only Ebook [pdf]
- Optional Hot Seat Note Taking Form [pdf]
- Success Scaffolding Activity [pdf]
Session Notes, ZOOM Audio Recordings, and Action Steps
Session 6 “minutes”
- Session 6 audio recording [m4a]
- Success Scaffolding Activity [pdf]
- End of Mastermind Process survey [link]
- Pledges [in process]
- Marcia: I pledge that I’m committed to doing the best that I can to ensure that students with disabilities in Colorado are valued for who they are, included in their communities and reach their ultimate potential where they bring joy to themselves and those around them. This will be through the influence I have in creating Professional Development for Special Educators and Related Services Personnel who serve young children in publicly funded programs in the state. I will measure my success everyday by connecting the work I do to the elements of instructional design. Decisions I make will be guided by the ID process and projects that are developed under my guidance will have documented design elements and processes.
- Ted:
- Chrystee:
- Robin:
Session 5 “minutes”
- Marcia's Notes [WORD]
- Recording of the session [audio]
- Member action steps
- Robin: To define and create a support system and define support system – internal (mind-body-spirit) and external (“mini-mastermind”). Identify the pieces within both support systems and a plan to move forward.
- Ted: Specifically look at developing a structure for how to present a way to embed developing future leaders to the executive board. Identify formal strategies and mechanisms. Work on proposal on leadership for a conference, which is cross walked with DEC leadership.
- Marcia: Work on the communication beliefs that people have on the Professional Learning Team. Take the idea of collegial conversations and consider how those can be replicated with people they don’t know/in other spaces.
Session 4 “minutes”
- Robin's Notes [WORD]
- Ted's Notes [WORD]
- Recording of the session [audio]
- Member action steps
- Marcia: Take the vision statement your team has been working on and embed that vision into existing documents and PD efforts. My follow-up question to you is, “How will it look to “embed” and/or represent the vision into existing and future work?”
- Ted: Write column for YEC, which hopefully you were able to do;) My follow-up question or invitation is to identify a few things you want to do as you prepare for the Board meeting at CEC. Feel free to use this group to help you focus and plan.
- Robin: Explore own support system. My follow-up is to invite you to continue to explore “what” you mean by support and then begin to think about the who and how they can provide the “it.”
- Chrystee: Focus on both/and when it comes to styles of coaching and get something into place and moving forward with the team. My follow-up question for you to consider is, “How will you continue to build your leadership skills and respond with compassion and calmness, as drama and crises continue to emerge?”
Session 3 “minutes”
- Chrystee's Notes [WORD]
- Marcia's Notes [WORD]
- Recording of session [audio]
- Member action steps
- Ted: Refocus…process what was shared and what you heard during Session 3.
- Chrystee: Try some of the practice-based coaching steps, particularly with staff who have been resistant to reflective supervisor efforts
- Marcia: Focus on how to leverage technology
- Robin: Celebrate what staff are doing and consider resiliency and wellness through out interactions
Session 2 “minutes”
- Ted's Notes [WORD]
- Robin's Notes [WORD]
- Recording of session [audio]
- Member action steps
- Chrystee: to narrow down where to take the conversation when you are in the hot seat. To figure out how to present in a “unique” way to bring the topic forward.
- Marcia Blum: to looking at shorter term objectives.
- Robin: Do something during Wednesday’s meeting to elevate their thinking. To ask better questions
- Ted: Carve out time to take action around supporting young leadership within the DEC organization
Session 1 “minutes”
- Hot seat members for Session 2 (i.e., February 24th) Ted and then Robin
- Member Action Steps
- Robin: Reflect on paper how to prepare for time in the hot seat. Clarify what is needed from the group. May need to share things about MI's Early On program ahead of time so we have enough context. Note: Does prefer some silence for processing;)
- Marcia: Use Google Keep to list out all the different projects and begin to prioritize which one(s) to focus on when in the hot seat.
- Chrystee: Put ideas on paper and begin to focus – narrow or funnel to specific area to use during Mastermind experience.
- Ted: Use the Hot Seat Pre-Planning form to guide thoughts and then maybe make a PPT to organize and have something to share with the group. Note: Hears shark music when there is silence.
- KPF: Will continue to share inspiration and ideas via FB, will respond to any emails by members, and will check-in on Robin and Ted as they prepare to be in the hot set in 2 weeks.
Misc. from FB
- Honest and Open Questions [link]
- Master Your Mornings Master Your Life [link]
- Drip by Drip and the Thunderclap [link]
From Session 4
- The opportunity of adversity Ted Talk [link]
- Community of Practice [link to wiki]
From Session 3
- Landing page created by KPF for CDE on leaders in a social age [link]
- MOOC with Julian Stodd on Social Leadership [link]
- Gratitude Revealed [link]
From Session 2
- Simon Sinek Ted Talk: How Great Leaders Inspire Action [video]
- Choice Map [jpg]
- Ought self vs. Ideal self [video]
From Session 1
- Single page excerpt from, “The Complete Guide to Mindful Habits“
- Woop Chapter from “How to Live a Good Life” pgs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7
- Immunity to Change: Four critical steps for overcoming emotional pitfalls and arriving at true transformation by Kegan and Lahey
- If you ever need text support, here is how to reach Ashley Lyons.
- Click here to access the Superpowers Self-Assessment here
- Blog about setting professional and personal policies [blog link]
- Leadership Compass Self-Assessment Files (shared via email by Ted)
- ISTE 2016 keynote speaker Ruha Benjamin | Incubate a Better World in the Minds & Hearts of Students
Archived Cohort 1 Schedule
- February 14th (Tuesday) 1:30-3:30 pm ET
- February 24th (Friday) 1:30-3:30 pm ET
- March 8th (Wednesday) 2:30-4:30 pm ET
- March 15th (Wednesday 2:30-4:30 pm ET
- April 4th (Tuesday) 3:00-5:00 pm ET
- April 25th (Tuesday) 3:00-5:00 pm ET