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for Administrators:

How to Train & Retain Paraprofessionals

Registering for this free workshop offers school administrators expert guidance from global leaders Dr. Julie Causton and Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak, providing actionable strategies to foster student independence, manage challenging behaviors, and create an inclusive school culture through innovative, bite-sized professional development, all while boosting paraprofessional retention and gaining access to valuable resources.

  • Helping Students Become More Independent: Discover proven strategies to empower paraprofessionals in fostering student autonomy and independence. Learn how to reduce over-dependence on adult support and encourage meaningful peer interactions, contributing to a more inclusive and self-sufficient classroom environment.
  • Supporting Challenging Behaviors Effectively: Gain valuable insights into techniques for guiding paraprofessionals in managing and supporting students with challenging behaviors. This session will equip your team with the tools to maintain a positive and productive learning atmosphere, ensuring that all students thrive.
  • Quick and Impactful Training – Para-Bytes: Explore impactful, bite-sized professional development sessions designed to equip paraprofessionals with the essential skills and knowledge they need to excel. These quick sessions are perfect for busy schedules, providing your team with practical, immediately applicable strategies to enhance their effectiveness.
  • 32 Strategies to Boost Retention: Showing Respect and Appreciation: Uncover a variety of strategies to demonstrate respect and appreciation for paraprofessionals, thereby enhancing their job satisfaction and retention. From personalized thank-you notes to inclusive decision-making and professional development opportunities, these tips will help you create a supportive and motivated team that feels valued and empowered every day.