In early childhood education, play is fundamental for entertainment and a critical component of developmental learning. Play allows children to explore their environment, interact with peers, and develop critical cognitive and social skills. However, educators often...
Invisible choices are all around us, often hidden by forces that would rather we didn’t think about them. And it’s usually easier to simply look the other way. But they’re still choices. – Seth Godin Every day, educators make thousands of decisions (consciously...
How do you ensure IEP goals and objectives that are not only legally defensible, but meaningful to students and their families? It seems like a lifetime ago, when at the University of Oregon, I asked a fellow doctoral student, “How do you know what criteria to write...
Yes! Even students with VERY complex communication needs, with Darlene Hanson (part 2) by Drs. KPF & JC | The Inclusion Podcast Key Takeaways: This is the...