by Kristie Pretti-Frontczack | Feb 20, 2024 | Behavior, Blog, Self-regulation, Solutions
Public displays of children's behaviors need to stop! Based on our experiences, and the opinions and findings of others, our stand is that publicly tracking children's behavior from a deficit orientation is ineffective, unethical, and indeed, harmful. In equal part,...
by Kristie Pretti-Frontczack | Jan 31, 2024 | Blog
Do you struggle with setting clear boundaries? Are you constantly torn between saying “Yes” out loud while screaming “NO!” on the inside? As leaders, we all face the challenge of knowing when to say “Yes,” when to say...
by Kristie Pretti-Frontczack | Dec 5, 2023 | Blog
Despite the common practice of not giving attention to a student that is upset in some way, it is at that very moment that the child NEEDS our attention the most. Maybe you were told to ignore it because others have told you to ignore “attention seeking behaviors”...
by Kristie Pretti-Frontczack | Dec 1, 2023 | Blog
“Carrot and stick performance management processes and the behaviorist approach upon which they are based are deeply flawed, and yet most of us start (and end) there, even in the most innovative organizations.” Annie McKee When it comes to managing sustainable system...
by Kristie Pretti-Frontczack | Sep 10, 2023 | Blog
If you know us…you know we've been researching, writing, and basically fussing over how individualized education programs (IEPs) are written for nearly 30 years. Needless to say, we have lots of opinions, but we also have lots of tips and solutions. In this blog we...