Register For The Inspired Advocate Online Video Course

The Inspired Advocate Video Series

Empowerment & Advocacy for Effective IEP Meetings

Parents — is there a paraprofessional in your life who could benefit from our online video course for paraprofessionals? Why not gift the course to them as part of your work to inspire greater inclusion for your child!? Learn more about our engaging and exciting paraprofessional video course right here!!

Dear Parent,

I'm Julie Causton. As a Professor at Syracuse University in the Inclusive and Special Education Program, an educational consultant to school districts all over the United States and Canada, and a former special education teacher, I've spent my career becoming a leader in the field of Inclusive Education.

I'm passionate about bringing inclusive classrooms to all of our children.

Inclusive classrooms provide the best educational opportunities, and I'm here to empower you to advocate for inclusive classroom experiences.

You Desesrve an Effective IEP Meeting

The annual IEP meeting is the most important opportunity you have to advocate for your child's educational experience. I know what it takes to have these meetings be effective, and this program allows you to prepare systematically, spending less time and producing better results.

Knowledge is Power

In Inspired Advocate, I provide you with the research – not just the text, but what that research means, to you, your student, and your school district – as well as how you can best use this information to advocate for your child. You'll be able to take this research and information into your IEP meetings and share it with your entire team, evidencing that all students perform better academically, socially, and behaviorally in inclusive settings – those with disabilities and their general education peers.

Inclusion isn’t a practice that schools can choose to adopt or reject

Since inclusion isn't a choice – even though you might be led to believe it is at times – the Inspired Advocate Program really empowers you to advocate for what you desire, and what's legally yours.

Become an Inspired Advocate today.



The Inspired Advocate Program

These Seven videos deliver knowledge and expertise about Inclusion in an easy to access format that will help you address the many daily issues we face inside the school systems.

With this course, you will:

  • Enter your IEP meeting with the confidence that comes from knowledge and support
  • Know, and be able to clearly articulate, your desired outcomes in ways that the school system can understand, and that are supported by the law
  • Have the key relevant resources and research that support inclusion
  • Know the best practices that are being used by others to succeed in achieving their desired outcomes
  • Be inspired by the examples of those who have successfully advocated for inclusion
  • Learn to “speak the language” of the school system
  • Go from an outsider during your IEP meeting, to the true advocate and change-agent that you are

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How the Program Works

The Inspired Advocate Program is your invitation to join me and an entire community of parents all committed to the opportunity of Inclusive Education.

You'll get access to a Private Membership Site, where you can:

  • Access video lessons whenever you'd like
  • Download the Support Tools and Guides for your use as well as to provide to your school staff
  • Interact with other parents on our private Facebook group who are dealing with similar issues to share your experiences, share what's working, and get inspired by each other

The video lessons include:

  • A process for creating a vision for your student and family, as well as how to share this in a way that makes a difference to your IEP meeting.
  • A guide to organizing and structuring an effective IEP meeting.
  • Tools and supports to empower you to assist your school in supporting your student academically
  • Tools, structures, and guides for how to work as a team with your school staff
  • Important information and guidance about how to support your student with behavioral issues
  • What to do if you disagree with the school and when to know if legal action is appropriate
  • Where to find resource, guidance and support that will assist you for years to come – long after this course is over

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To join me now, just click on the payment option that suits you, and I look forward to meeting you in our online community of advocates!

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“Julie gave me so many tools to help me to advocate. We used to go into my daughter’s IEP meeting thinking they would just tell us the plan for the year… I would listen and leave. Now we participate in the meetings, I am not afraid to ask for what [my daughter] deserves. Her life has dramatically changed…for the better in school and out!! Thank God.”

“Julie helped me to think through what we all REALLY wanted for Matt. She took us through a process where we outlined our dreams and goals… She helped us think beyond a sheltered workshop… much beyond… she got us thinking college! I was dubious… I never thought college…And guess what? This year is his second year at the University. Matt has never been happier- and we are so proud!”

“My son has behavioral challenges… the ideas and strategies she suggested dramatically changed not only his behavior, but our relationship! Bravo Julie! Who knew that including him MORE was what he needed?! And we threw away the sticker charts… we now focus on love and connection/ not punishments and rewards. WHAT A CHANGE!”

“I had been told my child needed a distraction free environment- and I believed it. Julie was an expert on our team and helped me to see that the special education classroom was VERY distracting. The general education classroom turned out to be the best place for him to learn. He made gains in reading, math and social skills that we never expected.”

“My son was non-verbal. She introduced us to a new method of communication—facilitatedcommunication. He now types to communicate. He used to be segregated in a classroom away from peers… now he is a full time and active member of his 5th grade classroom! He still has autism… But now everyone (sadly including me) sees him as brilliant! We honestly didn’t know that before. I cannot put into words what that has done for him and for us.”

“She worked with our school team. They learned SO much from her. At first, they kind of looked at her with arms crossed… then they realized her knowledge of special education is unmatched! They now love when she comes and problem solves with them!”

“The chair of the IEP meeting said, “We have reached a standstill…” She looked at us and said, “Unless you have any ideas, I don’t think we can make this happen this year.” I got out that list that Julie gave us and said… “I do have several ideas about how to make this happen.” At first you could have heard a pin drop, and then the team rolled up their sleeves and began to brainstorm… using the list. It became a question of HOW, not IF. And once we passed IF… With the right resources the teachers had no trouble with the how. Thank you for these resources!”


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