Teach Adults To Get Results
Deep Dive Master Class
Evaluation of your Deep Dive experience [link]
Think of the dashboard as your home base as well as “library” for all digital files related to your Deep Dive Master Class. The dashboard will also house session audio files and notes.
The dashboard is not interactive, therefore, if you have questions, want to share a resource, or are looking for “tribe” support, please use our FaceBook group.
Here is the ZOOM link that we'll use across all four session: https://zoom.us/j/273070146
Click here to edit your profile for this site.
Session-by-Session Resources
Session 1 – Wholeness
- Optional Flipped Learning Activities
- Review the Transforming professional development eBook. In particular, review tips and tools for mindset before methods. Identify a tip or strategy that you have found to be successful, or you feel would help lead you to success. Be ready to share the tip/tool during the Zoom call.
- Consider a current situation, or one that presents itself often, where you are faced with resistance and a less than growth mindset. How do you typically approach the situation? What generally works? What would the ideal situation look like? Be ready to share your examples during the Zoom call.
- If there is time…
- Listen to this audio file that describes how the Transforming PD eBook is organized. That may help you find strategies and tips about mindset, resistance, etc.
- Gain access to my Symbaloo Webinx for effective PD
- ECE Solutionary members login and click here, scroll to the bottom of the show notes page for bullets and links to Symbaloo etc.
- Non-members read this blog and complete the form
- Begin identifying your goals for participating in the Deep Dive Master Class. Download and use this planning form as you see fit (before, during, and after each session).
- Session 1 Resources
- Action Steps
- Maria: Look more at the resources and toolkit for teaching adult learners; examine symbaloo resources and webmixes as a way to organize info; step back and think more about “what's my what.”
- Beth: Check out symbaloo, get back to building relationships with families (discovering what is important to them); looking at Fink's framework.
- Teran: Reflect on instances where you are “stuck” in the middle; calming the shark music to be supportive.
- Sue: Building relationships with teachers; getting a clearer understanding of what is meant by “what's your what”…and what your what is 🙂
Session 2 – Community of Learners
- Optional Flipped Learning Activity
- Read this blog about staff meetings that build upon the interests of adult learners (click here for the infographic)
- Reflection/discussion prompts:
- How do you know and recognize your own interests and the interest of colleagues/staff/those you coach?
- What does being interested in something do for the learning process?
- Why don't way pay more attention to interests? Does it cause “shark music”?
- Reflection/discussion prompts:
- Read this chapter from How to Live a Good Life
- Reflection/discussion prompts:
- How aware are you of your own shark music?
- How able are you to turn down the shark music of others? (additional blog)
- How can WOOP help with shark music?
- Reflection/discussion prompts:
- Handout about The YES Brain [pdf]
- Make sure you can access (view) this Google Drive document on tiered PD [link]
- Read this blog about staff meetings that build upon the interests of adult learners (click here for the infographic)
- Session Resources
- Audio Recording Session 2 [audio]
- Maria…so sorry I forgot to record the first 15 minutes or so. All we did was check in with progress since last week and I reviewed how to use the Signifiant Learning Outcomes handout. All new content was recorded.
- Key PPT slides [pdf]
- Readings on coaching with compassion
- Audio Recording Session 2 [audio]
- Action Steps
- Teran: Get clear on outcomes/objectives for staff meetings; start with where they are.
- Beth: Send out survey and look into coaching with compassion.
- Sue: Continue to build team (particularly for new members), Use WOOP to have them talk about their wishes; Create a web of their interests for community of practice gatherings.
Session 3 – Getting to Implementation
- Optional Flipped Learning Activities
- Read and/or listen to any of the following and begin to explore the role habits play in achieving a change in practice. I also invite you to consider your role in modeling and supporting healthy habits
- Free e-copy of “The Complete Guide to Mindful Habits” by Crystal Pirri [link]
- Posts in this habit blog series [link to part 1]
- Podcast with Charles Duhigg [podcast]
- Explore this handout about The YES Brain and The NO brain, and consider the implications for getting to fidelity of implementation [pdf]
- Read this blog about identifying strengths [link]
- Read this or another resource about implementation science (heavy but provides a context of the latest thinking about getting to a change in practice) [pdf]
- Read and/or listen to any of the following and begin to explore the role habits play in achieving a change in practice. I also invite you to consider your role in modeling and supporting healthy habits
- Session 3 video [link]
- Session 3 Resources
- Session 3 Action Steps
- Maria: Use AI to work through priorities with implementation team starting on Monday. Use Assets and opportunities matrix.
- Teran: Ask staff to identify personal and professional development goals during reflective supervision month (November).
- Beth: Connect to families using the HeadStart resource and some of the questions form the A& O matrix.
- Sue: Ask about strengths and more about what they need to learn in order to grow and accomplish their goals.
Session 4 – Raising our collective EQ
- Optional Flipped Learning Activities
- Learn more about emotional intelligence [slide share] [pdf]
Other resources
- Free e-copy of “Emotional Intelligence” by Crystal Pirri and Mayra Porrata [pdf] Buy the book here.
- Link to request infographic on how to reduce ECE stressors [link]
- Superpowers Self-Assessment [link]
- Session 4 Recording – totally forgot to record…so sorry…but I'll have expanded notes here.
- Basically reviewed the importance of EQ in getting to a change in practice.
- Discussed our EQ quiz results – focusing on how we sometimes have a higher EQ at work than in our personal lives. We also shared a bit about our struggle with self-regulation and spirituality in particular. Then we started a conversation about how we might use the EQ with colleagues/families we work with/serve.
- Recommended that we scaffold people's “awakening” to the importances of EQ. Recommended using a 3rd object”and/or starting with work that is further removed, start with Pre-K podcast about seeing the child behind the behavior, then why coaching doesn't work, then the EQ quiz.
- Session 4 Action Steps
- Maria: Excited to dig into the resources/strategies shared under spirituality, and the tree of contemplative practices in general. Think about how and connect with the PD consultants/trainers who are “popular”/requested often and begin to dig deeper into why. Determine if they are already embedding and incorporating many of these strategies into their PD delivery.
- Beth: Delve into the strategies for each of the 5 EQ skills/areas. Continue to apply to work with ELL families (e.g., establishing a ritual in terms of starting and ending home visits). Continue to model and support EQ skills – with a focus on social awareness with ELL families.
- Sue: Personally continue to be in the moment with each teacher. Perhaps set a policy about responding to others, but will talk with teachers to see what would make sense to allow you to be responsive but also fully present. Continue a daily reflection practice and use the phrase “I wonder” more. Dig into the resources shared and find a way to organize them for continued use.
- Session 4 Resources (organized by EQ skill)
- General
- Self-awareness strategies
- Self-regulation strategies
- Situational awareness strategies
- Eco-mapping activity [pdf]
- Social awareness strategies
- Deep listening [blog]
- Holding space for one another [link to article]
Asking honest open questions based upon the Center for Courage and Renewal [blog]
- Empathy interview EI version [pdf]
- Empathy interview ECE version [pdf]
- Empathy Diamond: 5 facets of empathy (image below) – Dan Siegel
- Perspective taking: seeing the world through the eyes of another
- Emotional resonance: Feeling the feelings of another
- Cognitive empathy: Understanding, or intellectually getting, another’s overall experience
- Compassionate empathy: Sensing suffering and wanting to reduce it
- Empathetic joy: Experiencing delight with the happiness, achievements, and well-being of another
- Culture of empathy work by Dan Siegel [worthwhile rabbit hole]
- Spirituality strategies
- Get them moving download [pdf]
- Tree of Contemplative Practices [link]
- Book on contemplative practices in Higher Education [link to Good Reads]