Hammond central school district

Main Zoom Meeting Link
Your co-teachers
Dr. Julie Causton

Magical Circle Maker
keynote story teller
prolific author
An inspiring author, speaker, and inclusion advocate, Dr. Julie Causton spent 14 years in Higher Education at Syracuse University before leaving to become the CEO of Inclusive Schooling. She has spent the past 20 years studying best practices for inclusive education. Her dynamic presentations focus on engaging ways to educate learners, regardless of age, ability, and/or location.
Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak

Revolutionary thought leader
Educator's educator
Fierce play advocate
An accomplished author, sought-after speaker, and educator’s educator, Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak spent 16 years as a tenured professor in Higher Education at Kent State University before leaving to lead a {r}evolution in early childhood education. She has spent over 50,000 hours teaching adults best practices in early childhood care and education in locations from Cincinnati to Singapore. She’s also been teaching adult learners on-line since 1997.
Course and Event Portals
PD for Paras Live Opener Resources
(everything else is on the Para Part 1 dashboard)
100 Ways to Adapt Anything [pdf]
Session-by-Session resources
What, Why, and How of Inclusion: Part 1 (click to access resources)
WHEN: June 21st from 1:00-3:00 pm ET
WHAT: Circle Makers: The What, Why, and How of Inclusion
General Resources
- Key PPT slides
- Definition of Inclusion
- Link to research on inclusion
- List of supplemental supports
- Differentiation Strategies
- 100 Ways to Teach Anything Virtually and 140 Ways Paraprofessionals Can Support Students
Co-Teaching Resources
PBS Videos

What, Why, and How of Inclusion: Part 2 (click to access resources)
WHAT: Part 2 – Circle Makers: The What, Why, and How of Inclusion
General Resources
- Blog on the Toothpaste Theory [link]
- Definition of Inclusion Handout [pdf]
- How to Trigger the PEA [Google Drive Doc]
- 140 ways paras can support students [pdf]
- Getting to Know You – 1st Day Student Survey [pdf]
- NEW: 100 ways to adapt anything [pdf]
- NEW: Definition of Inclusion Handout [pdf]
- 9 Ways to be An Ally [pdf]
- Supplemental aids and supports [pdf]
- Circle Makers: https://www.inclusiveschooling.com/circle-makers/
- Because of Oliver: https://www.inclusiveschooling.com/because-of-oliver/

Beyond Treats and Timeouts March 18 (click to access resources)
- Definition of Inclusion Handout [pdf]
- Checklist of Supplemental Supports and Services [pdf]
- Winnie the Pooh Resources
- Reactive vs. Ready Brains [pdf]
- Human Ways of Being [pdf]
- Common Stressor Checklist [pdf]
- 10 Ways to Reduce Stressors [pdf]
- 4 S’s for Supporting Students [pdf]
- Student Lifelines [pdf]
Bonus Resources
- How to Apply the Four S’s to Autism for Secure Attachments [podcast]
- Examples of how to reduce stressors when it comes to transitions [blog]
- More strategies for reducing stressors [pdf]
- ASCD article – Ready…Set…Success: A Formula for Leading Schools with Love or [pdf]
- But They Can’t Be Included Because of Behavior – Training with Dr. Julie Causton and Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak: https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/590710825
- Teach Before the Peak long with Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak (15:29) [video]
- Podcast “Wait for Green Before You Go” (32:37) [audio]
- Planned Ignoring [podcast] [blog]
- Beyond Behavior Charts & Public Discipline: 9 Ideas for Supporting Students with Love and Respect [pdf]
- The Boy on Red: ASCD article [link]
- PreK Teach and Play podcast about the use of praise, rewards, and punishment
- PreK Teach And Play Podcast Episode 36- Three Strikes and You’re Out: Why We Don’t Use Behavior Charts with Children [link]
- Bag the behavior charts [blog]
- It’s Time to Flip Behavior Cards and Charts to Stop [link]
- Weathering the Storm Resources

Activity Resources
Link to Podcast Episode 20: https://prekteachandplay.com/podcast20
Link to transcript from Podcast Episode 20: https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/prekpodcast/podcast20/Podcast+20+Transcript.pdf
Podcast Episode 20 Download: https://prekpodcast.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/podcast20/Podcast+20+Download.pdf

INCLUSIVE EDUCATION MEANS we no longer accept that separate classrooms, separate schools, and separate lives are in the best interest of any student. Separating people by ability disadvantages everyone. Belonging is a human need. Our educational system, practices, and spaces, need to be reimagined.
INCLUSIVE EDUCATION MEANS every student is valued because of their strengths, gifts, and even challenges. As disability is simply… diversity. Everyone benefits from meaningful participation and opportunities to learn grade level content with diverse peers. We must trust that all students come to us as incredible whole people who do not need to be fixed.

On-Demand Resources
Inclusion & The Law-Myths & Realities (click to access resources)
Presenter: Pat Radel, Esq.
- Website: https://www.getnicklivingston.com/attorneys
- Pat's Blog: Appropriately Ambitious
- Pat's Email: pgradelesq@gmail.com
Key PPT slides with 10 myths [pdf]
Capturing Your Learning handout [pdf]
Related Handouts/Resources
Eight ways to be an Ally to your LGBTQ+ Students
Dr. Julie Causton
Website: https://inclusiveschooling.com
Email: julie@inclusiveschooling.com
Follow on Social Media:
Race, Equity and Ability Part 1
(original recording from the 2020 Summer Leadership Institute
Race, Equity and Ability Part 2
(NEW for the 2021 Summer Leadership Institute – SLI)
Brain Aligned Strategies (audio only)
Brain Aligned Strategies
Dr. Lori Desautels
Website: http://revelationsineducation.com/
Follow on Social Media:
Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
Get her latest book – Connections Over Compliance!
Teaching to Identity
(original recording from the 2020 Summer Leadership Institute – SLI)
Filling Up the Well: Centering Wellness as a Transformative Force in our Schools
(original recording from the 2020 Summer Leadership Institute – SLI)
My Type of Inclusion
(original recording from the 2020 Summer Leadership Institute – SLI)
Light Between Two Lamps: What Inclusion Means to Me
In this captivating on-demand video, Otto Lana, a high school student, inclusive leader, and self-advocate who types to communicate explains what inclusion means to him.
(original recording from the 2021 Circle Makers Summer Academy)
Otto Lana
Website: www.ottosmottos.com
Email: ottotypes@gmail.com
Follow on Social Media:
PBS Series with Dr. Julie Causton
Dr. Julie Causton
Website: https://inclusiveschooling.com
Email: julie@inclusiveschooling.com
Follow on Social Media:
Facebook | Instagram | Twitter