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Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak


A highly sought-after speaker, accomplished author, and educators’ educator. Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak began her career as an early interventionist and then spent 16 years as a tenured professor at Kent State University. Since 2013 she has followed her true passion for designing and delivering transformative professional development. As a result, she has accumulated over 50,000 hours of helping educators and leaders work from a place of compassion, hope, and love in locations from Cincinnati to Singapore.

Dr. Julie Causton


A best selling author, inspiring speaker, and inclusion advocate, Dr. Julie Causton began her career as an educator and then 14 years as a tenured professor at Syracuse University. In 2012 she founded Inclusive Schooling, a premiere company solely devoted to delivering professional development which transforms schools and lives. She has spent the past 25 years nearly obsessed with discovering innovative practices and teaching others about inclusive education through her wildly engaging presentations.

Sample Bytes

Inclusion Illuminated: The Benefits of Together

Byte Description

In this Byte provides a common understanding of inclusive education and sheds light on the numerous advantages of inclusion, emphasizing the positive impact it has on all students, educators, families, and the larger community.

Byte Handouts and Resources

Key PPT slides [coming soon]

  • Definition of Inclusion [pdf]
  • Circles Makers [video]

Research on Inclusion

  • Achieving Inclusion: Strategies for Creating Inclusive Classrooms for ALL Students [pdf]
  • Swift Center [link]
  • Articles – including research on inclusion [link]
Investing in Excellence: High-Preparation Differentiation Strategies that are Worth It

Byte Description

This Byte delves into higher-preparation differentiation strategies that may require more time and effort but yield exceptional outcomes in fostering inclusive classrooms and meeting individual student needs. Specifically, we demonstrate how to use differentiation strategies called Think-Tac-Toe and Dinner Menus to support the range of learners

Byte Handouts

Key PPT slides [coming soon]

  • Differentiation Strategies Packet [pdf
  • Hooks & Closures [pdf]
  • Shake it Up! [pdf]


Co-Teaching Excellence: Leverage the Most Effective Co-Teaching Models

Byte Description

This Byte focuses on effective co-teaching models and several keys to co-teaching success. Educators will learn to effectively collaborate with others and leverage the strengths of their co-teaching partnerships to create inclusive and engaging learning environments

Session Handouts

Key PPT slides [coming soon]

  • Co-teaching models [pdf]
  • 1 teach/1 make multi-sensory [pdf]
Minds at Ease: Creating Neurological Safety

Byte Description

In this byte we explore human states of being, including the ready state and fight, flight, freeze, and faint responses. The focus is on the importance of neurological safety and how it impacts mental well-being and behavior. The discussion then delves into the harm of planned ignoring as a behavior modification technique, emphasizing alternative approaches to foster a safe and supportive environment for individuals. Participants will gain insights into creating a classroom culture of neurological safety.

Session Handouts

Key PPT slides [coming soon]

  • Human Ways of Being [pdf]
  • 4S’s For Educators [pdf]

Session Resources

  • The Case Against Ignoring [link]
  • Ready Set Success ASCD article [pdf]