PD for PD Providers: Designing and Delivering Inclusive Virtual Professional Development.
Hosted by Kristie Pretti-Frontczak and Julie Causton

Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak

Dr. Julie Causton
General Info (click to open)
PD 4 PD Providers Handbook [DRIVE link]
How to Prepare Your Learning Space
We are big fans of making sure learners of all ages have spaces where they are comfortable and have what they need to stay in the zone of optimal learning. Here’s a short list of things you may want to put near you when ZOOMing with us this week.
Think of this as your “Things to pack” list:
- Blankets, pillows, cushions
- Bubbles (of course)
- Essential oil diffuser, incense
- Fans, pinwheels
- Fidgets
- Modeling clay, play dough, gak
- Natural or mood lighting, lava lamps, sun lamps
- Paper and colorful markers, pastels, and colored pencils
- Snacks (crunchy, healthy, soothing)
- Treadmill, standing desk, stationary bike
- Yoga ball, mat, block, cushion
- Water – or beverage of choice
- What else can you think of that will make you even 10% more comfortable?
Links to Other General Resources
Top Tips for Transforming How We Teach Adults [blog]
ZOOM Makeover tips [pdf] + FB live session [video]
During the FB live we shared 7 “fun” tips and their alignment to significant outcomes
Preparing your learning space (Learning how to learn; Caring; Emotional Intelligence; Application)
Home rooms with themes (Learning how to learn; Connection)
Connectors & Fast Finishers (Caring and Emotional Intelligence)
Side room convo (Connection and Caring)
Decluttering challenge (Application)
I spy game (Information; Connection and Learning how to learn)
Everyone draw (Information; Connection; Emotional Intelligence)
Session 1: Designing Engaging and Inclusive Content (click to open)
Session #1 Resources
- Key PPT Handouts [pdf]
- Other Versions of Recorded Live Session [Vimeo] [audio only]
- Recap of Big Ideas [15 minute audio] [pdf transcript]
- Graphic Record of Session #1 content [pdf] [png]
Other Sharable Resources
- Winnie the Pooh [YouTube + PPT link in video description]
- Triggering the PEA resources and activity [DRIVE link]
- Mix of 6 [pdf] [short training video] [blog]
- Schedules
Session 2: HOW to Make Virtual Learning Wildly Effective (click to open)
Session #2 Resources
- Key PPT Handouts [pdf]
- Other Versions of Recorded Live Session [Vimeo] [audio only]
- Recap of Big Ideas [audio] [transcript pdf]
Resources Shared During Live Session #2
Other Sharable Resources
Session 3: Using Innovative Technology (click to open)
Session #3 Resources
- Key PPT Handouts [pdf]
- Other Versions of Recorded Live Session [Vimeo] [audio only]
- Recap of Big Ideas [audio] transcript [pdf]
Resources Shared During Live Session #3
- Your Transgender Student (session from SLI 2020) [Vimeo]
- Color coding google tabs [link]
- POSCA Pens-Julie’s new favorite [link]
- “The Tomboy Survival Guide” by Ivan Coyote [link]
Other Sharable Resources from Session #3
- 20 things to do with a rubber chicken [pdf]
- Why even coaching can't get to a change in practice [blog]
- Unpacking of the 4 S's [pdf]
- Significant learning outcomes matrix [link]
- Fact or Fiction References
- Gulamhussein, A.(2013). Teaching the teachers: Effective professional development in an era of high stakes accountability. Alexandria, VA: National School Boards Association [NSBA] Center for Public Education [CPE]. Retrieved from http://conference.ohioschoolboards.org/2017/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2016/07/1pm111317A114Job-embedPD.pdf
- Also French, 1997 as referenced here
- Joyce, B. & Showers, B. (2002). Student achievement through staff development. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
- Gulamhussein, A.(2013). Teaching the teachers: Effective professional development in an era of high stakes accountability. Alexandria, VA: National School Boards Association [NSBA] Center for Public Education [CPE]. Retrieved from http://conference.ohioschoolboards.org/2017/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2016/07/1pm111317A114Job-embedPD.pdf
Session 4: Delivering PD Like a Boss (click to open)
Session #4 Resources
- Key PPT Handouts [pdf]
- Other Versions of Recorded Live Session [Viemo] [audio]
- Recap of Big Ideas [audio only] transcript [pdf]
Other Sharable Resources from Session #4
More Fun Resources
Download the image and reuse as a ZOOM background!
Created by Graphic Recorder Sherrill Knezel