“Aim for the outside pins.”

Event Swag!

Click HERE to get one or more of this year's T-shirts and other fun inclusion merch!

Join the Facebook Community

Connect with other SLI attendees and share resources, tips and fun in the private Facebook group.

This group is a place where you can ask questions, offer ideas, and share resources…before, during, and after the 2020 SLI. We love posts that invite discussion and critical analysis of real-life challenges. We also love posts that are inspiring and invite deep reflection. As a general guideline, please share posts in a way that’s helpful/powerful for others in the group, that ask more than tell, and appreciate human diversity.

Come on over and introduce yourself!

Padlet: Our Collaborative Board

Click HERE to Access the SLI 2020 Padlet

Our SLS 2020 Padlet is where everyone can post photos, questions, resources, and more. Check out what our team posts and add your own information. Great way to access resources from your peers in real time!

Certificate of Attendance

Click HERE to download your certificate of attendance. 

Everyone receives a certificate for 30 hours! Just print, enter your name, and share as needed.

Your SLI 2020 Handbook

Click here to access a Google DRIVE document with this year's Summer Leadership Institute Handbook. In addition to the FAQs further down on this home page, your handbook provides you with necessary information to help you prepare and participate. 

Social Sharing

Share your experience with others!

Official Institute Hashtag: #SLI2020

Fun Tip: When you use CamelCase and Capitalize The First Letter Of Every Word In Your Tags, it makes it more readable and accessible to anyone using a screenreader.

Tag us across Social Media!

  • Facebook @InclusiveSchooling
  • Instagram @inclusiveschooling
  • Twitter @inclusiveschoo1

Fun Things to Download

Download the FREE SLI 2020 background for your desktop or Zoom backdrop.

Visit Graphic Recorder Sherrill’s Etsy store to see more SLI inspired backgrounds.


Download our SLI 2020 Special Edition Connector, Break, and Fast Finisher card decks.

Created by Julie, Kate, and Kristie; Designed by Mayra Porrata.





Gallery of Graphic Records

During many of the live sessions, Graphic Recorder Sherrill Knezel will document our learning and key concepts that we explore. Within a few hours of each session, we'll post the graphic record in this gallery. You can use these as reminders, as you train and support others, etc. Learn more about Sherrill's work and check out her Etsy store for SLI inspired ZOOM backgrounds. 


Welcome [jpg] [pdf]

Julie [jpg] [pdf]

Bettina [jpg] [pdf]

Q&A w/Film Stars [jpg] [pdf]

Stephen Hinkle [jpg] [pdf]



Welcome [jpg] [pdf]

LeDerick Horne [jpg] [pdf]

Shelley Moore [jpg] [pdf]

Early Childhood Race, Ability & Equity [jpg] [pdf]


Pat Radel [jpg] [pdf]

Keith Jones [jpg] [pdf]

The HOW of Inclusive Education [jpg] [pdf]

POSTER: The Choice is Ours [jpg] [pdf]


Tony Ferraiolo [jpg] [pdf]


Meet the Presenters & Panelists

Click here to view the full list of presenters and panelists so you can connect with them on social media and learn more about their work.

Bonus Content

In addition to live sessions, panels, Q&As, and on-demand stories and solutions…we have six bonus sessions for you to dig into and share!

  1. From “Behavior to Belonging” with Dr. Julie Causton and Dr. Kate MacLeod
  2. Inclusive Pre-K Practices with Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak, Dr. Isela Garcia, and Ijumaa Jordan
  3. Reimagining Special Education in a Post-Pandemic World with Dr. Jenna Rufo and Dr. Julie Causton
  4. Leveraging the Power of Paraprofessionals with Dr. Julie Causton and Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak
  5. Latest Legal Updates for Serving Students with Disabilities During the Pandemic with Pat Radel
  6. Navigating the Change Process and Overcoming Resistance with Dr. Tanya Fredrich

SLI 2020 Full Schedule

Click here or the image below to access the Google DRIVE version of the SLI 2020 schedule. Use this link to ensure you have the most recent version,
and consider printing it only the night before the event to ensure you're up-to-date.

Day 3: August 5, 2020

Live Presenters: Pat Radel, Keith Jones, Patrice Fenton

Click to Open the Full Schedule and Links for Day 3

Day 4: August 6, 2020

Live Presenters: Dr. Julie Causton, Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak, Dr. Jenna Mancini Rufo

Click to Open the Full Schedule and Links for Day 4

Frequently Asked Questions

What time does the event start each day
The main ZOOM room will open by 8:30 am Eastern Time Zone daily. Click here for a time zone converter.

The main ZOOM room will always be hosted by a member of the SLI team.

It will remain open daily (with a few exceptions noted on the schedule) until around 6:30 pm ET on Mon-Wed.

How do I join live sessions?
Most of the SLI 2020 activities will take place in the Main ZOOM Meeting Room.

Enter Main ZOOM Meeting Room HERE!

You can also download the full ZOOM invitation here, including how to call in by phone.

See links to “Days 1-4” from the dashboard menu for additional ZOOM meeting links for small group activities including panel presentations and end of the day breakout sessions. Panel breakouts are also found toward the bottom of the Presenters page.

Click here to access a Google DRIVE document with full invitations to ALL ZOOM rooms.

Do I have to pre-register for any of the sessions?
For the most part, “No, you do not need to register”. You have FULL have access to each and every session.

There will be select times (see the schedule) when you will be asked to pre-register for a breakout session based upon interest. You will always have the option to change your mind.

What if I can't make a session? Will they be recorded?
Yes, with a few exceptions, all sessions (including panel presentations) will be recorded. Even the end of day Q&A and topical deep dives will be recorded.

Check the schedule for dates/times of Dr. Bettina Love's and LeDerick Horne's sessions. These will NOT be recorded.

The Wretches and Jabbers movie will also only be available during the SLI event (August 3-6).

Will the PPTs be shared?
For the most part, No. PPTs are used as visual support vs. having tons of content. Further, some presenters won't be using PPTs and/or do not share them with us. We ask that you not take screenshots of presenter PPTs as many contain copyrighted materials.

All this said…we'll convert all sessions into a searchable library entry a few weeks after the live event. If there are slides or other handouts to be shared, you'll find them in the library by session. Click here for a sample of one library entry. This will give you an idea of what is to come.

You can also follow the SLI Padlet for links to key resources shared by our presenters and panelists.