"I LOVE all the resources. Thank you."

"We are LOVING the Para-Bytes Training Resources for our paraprofessionals! It has really helped us to ground our inclusive practices work and to shift some mindsets to support students toward independence."

"The presenters! They were knowledgeable, engaging, enthusiastic and gave me tools I’ll use immediately!"

"So many of us know that inclusion is the just way to go, but don't know how to get there. The institute has given me so many clear ideas about steps my district can engage in to get moving in the right direction… and quickly! The self-advocate presenters were a great reminder of why we need to change, now. Our decisions have direct impact on students across the district every day."

 – SPE Admin

"Thought provoking, powerful and transformational!"

– Lisa Carter, Director of Special Education

"I left with clear steps my district can take to get moving in the right direction… and quickly!"

"Glad I can go back and review and this wasn't all lumped together in one session"

"Love all the insights, wisdom, and resources shared during this amazing conference!"

"Thanks for your flexibility and for modeling such good strategies."

"I can't thank you enough for today!! It was SO positively received!! I am finally getting to my computer after a busy day, but I received texts and emails all day about how much they loved it!! The website is SO generous and I would love to do a similar PD next year! THANK YOU!!!! It was truly inspiring... truly!!"

– Carrie Wysocki, PhD

"Thanks Julie and Kristie - To open us to a new culture of This has been one of the best PDs."

"I appreciate all you both did to make both part 1 and 2 so successful and highly informative. I will be using all the information to improve myself and to help my peers be successful in their jobs as well. I will be recommending your webinars to other existing staff and new hires. It is exactly what every new hire should be experiencing before they start. You both are extremely kind, knowledgeable and easy to work with. Your energy and dedication is amazing and contagious. Not one moment was wasted. Thank you both so much."

– Nicole

"I am impressed with the ways I was challenged to expand my idea of who needs to be included in this time. I am especially appreciative of the 4S's and the ways I have learned how to better support my staff in this difficult time of change and uncertainty. This conference provided me with concrete tools to share with my staff in working with their students and to support them personally. Thank you!"

"Thank you for the best PD I've ever taken"

"Oh my goodness it was EXACTLY what I would have taught if I had 5 years to prepare the perfect training for our EAs."

"I am so empowered and inspired listening to all the awesome speakers, panelists, and collaborating with the attendees! I love all the insights, wisdom, and resources shared in this amazing conference! Gratitude to everyone especially to the TEAM that put this event together! Looking forward to more events and follow-up collaboration PDs!"

 – Marisol Mallari, WA

"The chair of the IEP meeting said, "We have reached a standstill…" She looked at us and said, "Unless you have any ideas, I don't think we can make this happen this year." I got out that list that Julie gave us and said… "I do have several ideas about HOW to make this happen." At first you could have heard a pin drop, and then the team rolled up their sleeves and began to brainstorm… using the list. It became a question of HOW, not IF…. Thank you for these resources!"

– Alex

"These two are a great team!!! They work so well together and they make the training fun. Humor and relating to us is the best thing!!! Great job!!!!"

"A big THANK YOU to Julie and Kristie and the whole team for all you do for Inclusive Education!"

– Namita

"Before SLI Conference, I had seen modeling practices for kids and honoring adult learners as two separate things. Julie, Kristie, and their team helped me see that the practices best for our kids are actually just the practices that are best for humans. That means honoring the adult learner, the learner of color, or the learner with a disability, or whatever learners you have before you. As I felt honored and seen throughout this experience, I was able to fully engage in my learning and prepare for a virtual school year by creating a space where all my learners feel seen, loved, and like they belong. Thank you!"

"This conference was phenomenal. The presenters were knowledgeable and talked about current and pressing issues in education. The energy that Julie, Kristie, and the team created was SO fun and kept me engaged throughout the whole conference! A very powerful and motivating experience!"

– Jennifer W., teacher from NY